If we are ever going to move the needle of socioeconomic status then we need to address the needs of the whole child. Dr. Robertson has provided the framework and tool kit that equips parents, teachers, and community members to develop productive students. You are capable of making an immediate impact in your community. Dr. Robertson's iFOCUS Tool Kit will show you how.
– Mr. Justine Calhoun, K-12 Writing Coordinator for Sullivan County Schools of Blountville, TN
Fundamental to the art of teaching is preparing students to become successful individuals both personally and as a part of the larger society. This task is not always an easy one as we face students from a variety of backgrounds with diverse interests, attitudes, and prior preparation. Especially difficult to help can be those students who are deemed at risk for failure due to an assortment of cultural factors and influences. We constantly strive to reach these students in an effective and efficient manner often constrained by the resources allocated to us by school districts.
Contained within this volume is Dr. Eric Robertson’s response to this situation. Inspired by his own experiences growing up as an at risk youth, Dr. Robertson’s approach is a straight-forward plan based on the most current research in the field of education. Utilizing a three part approach Dr. Robertson’s blueprint for student success gives parents, educators, and community members’ realistic methods for getting students on track in school and keeping them there. Dr. Robertson lays out his plan in an easy to follow format that will surely provide hope to those who choose to implement it on either a personal or community wide level.
– Mr. Richard M. Houser, English Professor at Georgia Southern University
“Not sure what I did before discovering this Program. It’s super!”