Communiity Program Served Primary/Elementary Students with the 3A+ and Implementation of “25” Boys with Emotion Behavior Disorder Activities.
Community Program Served Middle School Students with 3A+ and Implementation Sponsored Celebrations with Community Speakers.
Community Program Served High/Alternative Students with 3A+ and Implementation with a Mentor/Mentee Approach.
Community Program Served District-Wide Students with the 3A+ and Implementation Community BB Tournament Raised Over $1,000 to Sustain At-Risk Programming.
Community Program Served District-Wide Students with 3A+ and Implementation Carnival + Community Competition with Stakeholder’s Support + 75 MVP Parents Rewarded ...
iFOCUS Published Community Tool-Kit for Stakeholders to Better Guide Students with the 3A+ and Implementation of Community Sponsored Trips: Kennesaw State University, Mercer University, Ft. Steward Military Base...
Community Program Served Primary-High; College Students with the 3A+ Implemented in other Counties: Emanuel, Toombs, Burke, Chatham, and Jefferson.
Community Program Helped Improved CCSD SWD Statewide Mathematics Scores through the New iFOCUS Community Math Program.
Received Inc + 501 (c)(3) Status
Commumity Project Focused on Title 1 Schools of Students At-Risk; Progrram partnership with an 89% on-time promotion rate of 9th Grade At-Risk Students.
Implementation Community Programs: STEAM (Increased Enrollement %); Family (Parental Involvement); Faith-Based (Building Relationships).
Implementation of the STEAM Academy through STEAM TEAM Day, Family Center through Family STEAM TEAM Night, & Faith-Based Ministry 100 Community Mentors trained through RCS partnership with Communities In Schools to ensure that all students graduate from MES prepared for college or work.
Consulting with School-Community Organizations to help schools improve their relationships with the community, and provide better support for students.
Primary/Elementary Levels Implementation: 1st Gender Class of “25” Boys with Emotion
Behavior Disorder - “Gentleman Club [iFOCUS]”
Middle Level Implementation: iFOCUS Afterschool Program with Monthly Sponsored Celebrations, including Community Speakers
High/Alternative Levels Implementation: iFOCUS During/Afterschool Program with a Mentor/Mentee Approach
School District-Wide BB Tournament Raised Over $1,000 to Sustain At-Risk Programming
School District-Wide Carnival + Monthly Community Competition with Stakeholder’s Support + 75 MVP Parents Rewarded with a Little Caesar Gift Card -Box Top$
iFOCUS Published Book; School District-Wide Social Media iFOCUS Facebook Site; Community Sponsored Trips: Kennesaw State University, Mercer University, Ft. Steward Military Base...
College Level Implementation/ School District-Wide iFOCUS Program Implementation from Primary – High and Counties Implementation: Emanuel, Toombs, Burke, Chatham, and Jefferson
Improved SWD Statewide Mathematics Scores through the New iFOCUS Math Program
Received Inc + 501 (c)(3) Status
CCSD Aspiring Leader Academy Project: Title 1 partnership with an 89% on-time promotion rate of 9th Grade At-Risk Students